The Royal Dozen by Alexia Sinclair

Charles II – The Merrie Monarch (1630 -1685)

You might recognize the style from Alexia Sinclair's sister series,  The Regal Twelve. This one features twelve nobles and monarchs.To create these amazing works, Alexia weaved together very specific elements from her own photos and illustrations. Here is how the series is described on her site:

"Legends of the lives of the nobles continue to captivate us today, from the pampered decadence of Louis XIV to the epic legend of Alexander the Great. Other rulers who also form this series are less renowned yet equally intriguing. An unusual blend of Royalty, their selection was based on their contrasts in leadership, their flamboyancies and their enduring influence upon society."

To read more about this series, check out her website post.

The Royal Dozen by Alexia SinclairVlad Drăculea – Son of the Dragon (1431 – 1476)

The Royal Dozen by Alexia SinclairAlexander the Great – Son of Zeus (356–323 bc)

The Royal Dozen by Alexia SinclairGenghis Khan – The Mongol Warrior (1162–1227)

The Royal Dozen by Alexia SinclairHannibal – Grace of Baal (247–182 bc)

The Royal Dozen by Alexia SinclairPope Alexander VI – The Borgia Pope (1431 –1503)

The Royal Dozen by Alexia SinclairShah Jahan – King of the World (1592 –1666)

The Royal Dozen by Alexia SinclairLouis XIV – The Sun King (1638–1715)

The Royal Dozen by Alexia SinclairPeter Romanov - The Great (1672–1725)

The Royal Dozen by Alexia SinclairMarquis de Sade – The Sadist (1740–1814)

The Royal Dozen by Alexia SinclairNapoleon Bonaparte – Emperor of the French (1769–1821)

The Royal Dozen by Alexia SinclairLorenzo de' Medici – The Magnificent (1449–92)

Average: 5 (1 vote)

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