Cintia Dicker

Diamonds are Forever Featuring Cintia Dicker for Wildfox Swim 2013 by Mark Hunter

Cintia Dicker shows off her inner Bond girl in this awesome series for Wildfox. Cintia pulls off equal parts bombshell and bad ass with the various outfits from the shoot. Let's hope the Bond girl from the upcoming Skyfall can live up to these standards. Photos by Mark Hunter.

"Cruise 2013 marks the second season of swimwear for Los Angeles-based women’s brand, Wildfox Couture. Designer Kimberley Gordon says, “The new collection is inspired by a totally American girl who lives for traveling. She dreams of England and hotel rooms, she loves flowers and diamonds, and she loves decadence! She’s a Bond Girl, a 60’s bombshell who dyes her hair all shades of colors and meets beautiful men everywhere she goes. She wakes up at six in the morning to catch the sunrise and does laps in her giant, turquoise pool. She is always ready to pack her bags and fly to another country, stay in another hotel, she travels lightly, packs bikinis, sparkly dresses and beach cover ups. This girl always has her swimsuit in her purse or her glove compartment, she's always ready for her next big adventure, and she's always ready to make new friends... wherever she goes.” With the help of swimwear designer, Leilani Shimoda, the girls set out to make a collection of swimwear that was bold, fun, confident and for all sorts of body types!"

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