
Gulliver Inspired Stern Fashion Special by Karel Kuehne

Karel Kuehne shot this beautiful Gulliver inspired series for Stern Magazine. The glamorous Olga C. poses with giant hand bags from Chanel, Prada, Gucci and Armani in this inspired fantasy world. 

Fashion Designers: 
Average: 4 (1 vote)

Eva Mendes by Marino Parisotto

Eva Mendes stars in this wonderful series for the 2008 Campari calendar. Eva is featured in twelve different fairytales each with unreal dreamscapes and rich and dramatic narrative. You can find out more about this shoot by reading the official press realease. Shot by Marino Parisotto.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

Wonderland by Kirsty Mitchell

Kirsty Mitchell has a wonderful imagination and eye for the extraordinary. Not only does she take beautiful photos, but she also makes the clothes, props and sets. She has a great sense of color and form and she is able to stitch together some spectacular fantasy lands from her imagination. You can catch her on Flickr and Facebook to see some more of her work and don't forget to check out the behind the scenes photos on Facebook.

Fashion Designers: 
Average: 4.6 (9 votes)

Alice in Wonderland by Antonia Yordanova and Momchil Hristov

This is one of the better Alice in Wonderland tributes that have sprouted up since the release of the Tim Burton re-make. Antonia Yordanova and Momchil Hristov have teamed up to create this amazing fantasy world with model Elizabeth@Ivet Fashion.

Fashion Designers: 
Average: 4 (1 vote)

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