
Charlotte Olympia's Dolly Pumps as Famous Paintings by Boyarde Messenger

Fashion designer Charlotte Olympia commissioned artist Boyarde Messenger to re-create famous paintings onto her Dolly pumps. One hundred hand-painted pairs of shoes were created for Neiman Marcus and Art Basel Miami.

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Beautiful Woman Sporting Bandura Sandals

Not sure where this image came from, but I do know this woman is absolutely stunning, and she's sporting some Bandura sandals by Stuart Weitzman.

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Average: 4 (1 vote)

January Jones Sporting Versace Accessories by Mario Testino

In this stylish shoot, January Jones sports strategically placed accessories for Versace's Spring/Summer 2011 campaign. Mario Testino masterfully captures January Jones and uses black and white to create stark contrast in his photos.

January Jones Sporting Versace Accessories by Mario Testino

January Jones Sporting Versace Accessories by Mario Testino

January Jones Sporting Versace Accessories by Mario Testino

January Jones Sporting Versace Accessories by Mario Testino

January Jones Sporting Versace Accessories by Mario Testino

January Jones Sporting Versace Accessories by Mario Testino

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Average: 4 (1 vote)

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