
Abandoned Six Flags of New Orleans by Bryan Soderlind

I absolutely love Bryan Soderlind's photo series of the abandoned Six Flags in New Orleans.

"Six Flags of New Orleans was destroyed by Hurricane Katrina in 2005 and has sat abandoned ever since. The park sits closed waiting for a demolition date that has yet to be determined. On a November road trip I did with the Fox wake crew, we snuck into the park with a winch to get some wakeskating photos. We had this post apocalyptic environment to ourselves for the whole day. I couldn’t stop taking pictures in this surreal setting which featured rusty old roller coasters, stuffed animals strewn about, and gator infested ponds. After speaking with some locals that evening about our day we found out we were extremely lucky as people who trespass there are regularly arrested. I had a better time that day in a closed theme park than I have ever had at an open one." 

You should definitely check out all the other photo series by Soderlind on his journal. They are all spectacular. As a fellow Orlando resident, I especially appreciate the one entitled Orange Blossom Trail, which is just down the road from me.

Average: 5 (1 vote)

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