
Bold Landscapes by Xavier Jamonet

Xavier Jamonet is a photographer from Southeatern France. His style features bold saturated colors, high contrasts and a crisp/clear look. I hope he continues to travel and show us the great landscapes Earth has to offer.

Average: 4.7 (3 votes)

Photography with a Movie Still Feel by Alex Prager

Loving the bold colors and movie still feel of these photos by Alex Prager. Each photo feels like there is a story behind it, and you just want to know what happens next. It's a rare talent to evoke such a strong feeling from viewers, but Alex definitely has a knack for it.

Photography by Alex Prager

Photography by Alex Prager

Photography by Alex Prager

Photography by Alex Prager

Photography by Alex Prager

Photography by Alex Prager

Average: 1.1 (26 votes)

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