Matt Nuzzaco

Overseas and Overwhelmed on Pictory

The following photos are part of Pictory Magazine's Overseas and Overwhelmed story. Each photo represents a time when the picture taker was experiencing culture shock in a foreign land, and is accompanied by great stories that explain the photos. Below, you'll find some of my favorites.

Bright Lights, Ancient City by Matt Nuzzaco - Matt Nuzzco's photo features an alleyway in Orvieto, Italy where he contemplates the age and character on a town that "predates the Roman Empire".

A sleeping carpet saleman in busy Morocco.

Vivid Dreams by Kevin Meredith - In this photo, Meredith captures a sleeping carpet salesman in Marrakesh, Morocco among a sea of agressive salesman.

Children playing soccer in the ancient Mayan city of Tulum, Mexico.For the Win by Michael O'Neal - O'Neal took this photo in the ancient Mayan city of Tulum,Mexico where the children stopped for a minute to stare at him before resuming their game.

This photo features a fish sashimi dish where the fish was still half alive.Eaten Alive by Juliette Melton - This photo has a truly shocking story. Juliette's fish dish above was caught from a tank right next to the table. It was then prepared into sashimi with the half alive fish sitting along side the meal.

This photo from London features many of the distinctive features of the famous city.London Calling by Tom Watson - Tom Watson's photo of London captures most of the distinctive icons of the city.

A surprising scene in the streets of Pushkar, India.In Living Color by Adam Rose - While visiting India, Adam Rose faced the blunt realities of the country. He saw some surprising scenes including this one in the city of Pushkar,India.

If you enjoyed these photos and short accompanying descriptions, I highly recommend reading all the stories at Pictory Magazine.

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