
Reethi Rah Resort in Maldives

I'm pretty sure this is what people think of when they hear the words island pardise. The Reethi Rah Resort is on one of the largest islands in North Male’ Atoll in the Maldives. The resort has 130 villas each with an ocean view and direct access to the lagoon. I think I've found a new dream vacation destination.

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World's Largest Outdoor Pool at the San Alfonso del Mar Resort in Chile

To swim the length of the world's largest outdoor swimming pool, at the San Alfonso del Mar resort in Chile, you would need to swim more than three fifths of a mile (20 Olympic-size swimming pools), The pool, which started construction in December of 2006, holds more than 66 million gallons, goes up to 115ft deep, and cost around £1billion to make. You can even go kayaking and sail boats in it!

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