
NOT just a girl..... by Jaime Moore

For her daughter Emma's fifth birthday, photographer Jaime Mooore dressed Emma up as five famous influential women. When Jaime was looking for inspiration for a creative birthday shoot, all she found were girls dressed up as Disney princesses. So she decided to dress Emma up as five real women that she could learn about and look up to. She also included a photo of Emma running for president. Awesome!

Average: 5 (1 vote)

You are not Banksy by Nick Stern

Nick Stern shot these awesome re-creations of Banksy's work in photo form. He spent months meticulously gathering and making props for this awesome tribute to the most famous and controversial street artist in the world. 

“I have always been intrigued by Banksy’s work and thought it would be fascinating to try and recreate some of his most famous images on camera”

Average: 4.5 (2 votes)

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