
Longchamp Le Pliage Large Shoulder Tote

Longchamp’s Le Pliage Large Tote is a perfect caryall bag. Fit everything you need into one bag without worrying where to put all your stuff.

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Victoria’s Secret Palm Tree Backpack

This colorful backpack from Victoria’s Secret is perfect for the beach, pool, or a casual day out. It’s stylish without being obnoxious.

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Tommy Ton’s Picks for Saks Fifth Avenue

Tommy Ton picked and photographed these items for a Saks Fifth Avenue’s editorial. It makes for a great combo!

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Tory Burch Jodie Dress, Fache Fisherman’s Bag, Flower Embellished Belt and Mallory Wedge Espadrille

A fantastic combo recommend by Tory Burch. Get the whole package or buy an individual item. Either way, you are sure to pull off a stylish look.

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