Victoria’s Secret Palm Tree Backpack

This colorful backpack from Victoria’s Secret is perfect for the beach, pool, or a casual day out. It’s stylish without being obnoxious.

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Audrey Hepburn Breakfast at Tiffany’s Poster

Give your room some class with this iconic photo of Audrey Hepburn as Holly Golightly in Breakfast at Tiffany’s!


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The Lost Beatles Photographs: The Bob Bonis Archive, 1964-1966 by Larry Marion

Tour manager Bob Bonis captured the Beatles’ US tours from 1964-1966. Here are a few great photos from the book.

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Anthropologie Quilted Jacket, Pullover & Skirt and Necklaces

One of the most popular outfits on Anthropologie’s Facebook. It’s easy to see why. Lots of florals and beautiful patterns.

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Oneness White Sunny Dress

Love this dress from Oneness! It has a beautiful style and transparent outer fabric.


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Hollywood Sketchbook: A Century of Costume Illustration by Deborah Nadoolman Landis

Deborah Nadoolman Landis was the costume designer for movies including Animal House, The Blues Brothers, and Raiders of the Lost Ark. In this book, Landis offers her perspective on the art and importance of costume drawing. You can see a preview of the book at Harper Collins.

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Adam Gallagher Sporting a Wool Coat & Zip-up Hoodie

Dapper casual winter outfit from user Adam Gallagher. Love the earthy tones!

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Average: 3.5 (2 votes)

The Tetons and the Snake River by Ansel Adams

A classic black and white photo print from the legendary photographer Ansel Adams. It was taken at Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming. 

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Average: 5 (1 vote)

Lina Tesch’s in Flowers Print Pullover and Cutoff Jean Shorts

Lina Tesch is one of my favorite users. She looks stunning in pretty much every outfits she wears. This one is definitely no exception.


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Nouveau Brat Red Dress

In honor of Chinese New Year, I present you with this stunning red dress by Nouveau Brat. You can read more about Kryz Uy’s outfit on her website.

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Warning: Table './firstr5_whodesignedit/watchdog' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: INSERT INTO watchdog (uid, type, message, variables, severity, link, location, referer, hostname, timestamp) VALUES (0, 'php', '%message in %file on line %line.', 'a:4:{s:6:\"%error\";s:12:\"user warning\";s:8:\"%message\";s:329:\"Table './firstr5_whodesignedit/accesslog' is marked as crashed and should be repaired\nquery: INSERT INTO accesslog (title, path, url, hostname, uid, sid, timer, timestamp) values('', 'shop', '', '', 0, '32c1cee0e46894f1f6398f35789405d4', 1000, 1529264834)\";s:5:\"%file\";s:80:\"/home/firstr5/public_html/\";s:5:\"%line\";i:63;}', 3, '', ' in /home/firstr5/public_html/ on line 134

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