
Introducing NIKE FLYKNIT Technology

Nike hired David Rosenbaum of Mothership to create this awesome short for Nike's Flyknit technology and shoe collection.

"With new Nike Flyknit technology, yarns and fabric variations are precisely engineered only where they are needed for a featherweight, formfitting and virtually seamless upper."

Here's the making of video:

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A Dramatic Surprise on a Quiet Square by Tnt Benelux

Epic advertisement by TNT to advertise their Belgium station.

"To launch the high quality TV channel TNT in Belgium we placed a big red push button on an average Flemish square of an average Flemish town. A sign with the text "Push to add drama" invited people to use the button. And then we waited... Discover here what happened or visit for more info."

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Wieden & Kennedy Shanghai by Shotopop

"Wieden + Kennedy in Shanghai approached Shotopop to help out with making a video to entice people to take their online creativity test and ultimately join their team.

The nice peeps from W+K wrote the base for the script, and we worked with them from there on to define the characters, style, and general tone of the video. The video features some swanky jumps, a sexy girl behind a photo-copier, a hungry Dino and an OctoShark!"

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Good Books "Metamorphosis" by Buck

Absolutely amazing video!
Client: Good Books
Agency: String Theory
Director: Buck
Music & Sound Design: Antfood

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