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Black lace one shoulder dress

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Bar Refaeli for Passionata Lingerie

Someone at Passionata knew exactly what they were doing when they chose Bar Refaeli as the spokeswoman for their lingerie. There's no better way to attract attention to your brand than having one of the most beautiful women in the world wearing your clothes. Here's the collection for Fall/Winter 2010 and here's the one for Spring/Summer 2012.

Also, enjoy these videos of the shoots!

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Wondering where this image is from. Found on tumblr and cannot find the source! In love with the sweater.cardigan. Can anyone tell where what this picture is from? Who the model is? Who makes the cardigan?


Thanks so much!!!


Fashion Designers: 
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Fashion Designers: 
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Fashion Collage Illustrations by Berto Martinez

Berto Martinez effortlessly combines fashion illustrations into these wonderfully colorful and stylish collages. Each one has its own influences and a fitting theme. You can check out more of his fashion illustrations on Behance, or an incredibly wide range of other subjects at his blog.

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Average: 4 (1 vote)

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