
He Wears It Star Wars Fashion by John Woo

In this awesome series, John Woo dresses up Star Wars characters in high end fashion. If you really like these, you can get them as prints on Etsy.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

Fashion Illustrations by Tom Bagshaw (Mostly Wanted)

Tom Bagshaw aka Mostly Wanted is an illustrator from Bath England. He incorporates creepy and quirky elements into his paintings which regulary  feature strong intriguing women. He has done work in the fashion, advertising, editorial and pulishing industries and it's easy to see why.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

Fashion Collage Illustrations by Berto Martinez

Berto Martinez effortlessly combines fashion illustrations into these wonderfully colorful and stylish collages. Each one has its own influences and a fitting theme. You can check out more of his fashion illustrations on Behance, or an incredibly wide range of other subjects at his blog.

Fashion Designers: 
Average: 4 (1 vote)

I am an Italian fashion graphic designer. I have been working in this field for more than ten years.

I work for important fashion brands and co-operate with many fashion companies and offices.

I am constantly looking for new styles and ideas in order to create unique and original designs.


An idea, a dream, a sketch, they all lead me to my designs which are taken care of in the smallest detail, thanks to vector graphics softwares.


Now, I would like to share my expertise with professional, experte and companies working in fashion design.


Fashion Designers: 
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Fashion Pin Ups Before and After

This series shows pin up drawings and the inspiration photo behind them. The drawings are nearly identical to their real life counterparts. You will be hard pressed to find many differences, everything from the facial expression to the clothes they wear is well portrayed. Not sure who drew or took these pictures, but you can check more out on imgur.

Fashion Designers: 
Average: 4 (1 vote)

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