
Charles James 1948 Collection by Cecil Beaton

A spectacular photo of the Charles James 1948 Collection! Photo by Cecil Beaton for Vogue.

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The Great Gatsby by Signe Vilstrup for Harrods Magazine

I'm not sure why, but 1920's fashion has been making its way back in full force, and I like it. This shoot by Signe Vilstrup, for Harrods Magazine, gives us a glimpse back at the Roaring Twenties. The styles are simple, yet elegant, and are getting me pumped up to see the upcoming Great Gatsby movie.

Average: 4 (2 votes)

Rockabilly Girl Ulya Trukhina by Yana Kalina

If every girl from the 1950's looked this good in Rockabilly fashion, it never would have went out of style. Ulya Trukhina pulls off the beauty and innocence of the bygone days with perfection. Thank you Yana Kalina for bringing us this amazing set.

Average: 4.7 (6 votes)

The Deep Blue Sea Costume Design

One of the most overlooked parts about a movie are the great costume designs. These movie stills are from The Deep Blue Sea, a movie about a young wife and her affair set sometime during the 1950s. I have personally never seen the movie, but I really like the costumes from it. Rachel Weisz and Tom Hiddleston are featured in most of the stills. Ruth Myers was the costume designer for the movie.

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Love Story by Nikolay Biryukov for Elle Ukraine

Nikolay Biryukov does a wonderful job capturing models Sam Rollinson and Ondrey as a loving couple in these 60s cinema style shots for Elle Ukraine. Their vintage styled looks and wonderful location choices create a romantic and beautiful series.

If you like these, you might also like Bonnie and Clyde by Aram Bedrossian and Lust For Love by Nicoline Patricia Malina.

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