
Rockabilly Girl Ulya Trukhina by Yana Kalina

If every girl from the 1950's looked this good in Rockabilly fashion, it never would have went out of style. Ulya Trukhina pulls off the beauty and innocence of the bygone days with perfection. Thank you Yana Kalina for bringing us this amazing set.

Average: 4.7 (6 votes)

Holiday 2012 by BHLDN

This wonderful lookbook by BHLDN gives you a glimpse of what it must have looked like during a party in the Roaring Twenties. Women don beautiful dresses reminiscent of the glitz and glamour of the 20's. The best part about this lookbook is, these items  are all available at BHLDN! Make sure to check out their slideshow to purchase anything you like.

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Pin up girls! by Marianna Anagnostopoulou

I'm a sucker for any photo featuring a beautiful woman and retro fashion. This great series by Marianna Anagnostopoulou features models  sporting some cool checkered, polka dot, and striped vintage outfits while having fun in the sun!

Side note: Marianna Anagnostopoulou is extremely beautiful, check out some amazing shots of her in her Deviant Art gallery (nsfw).

Average: 5 (1 vote)

Goodwood Revival Fashion

The Goodwood Revival is one of the world's most popular motor racing meetings set in Sussex, UK. The event takes a magical step back in time, and includes cars, planes, races, and fashion from the 1940s, 50s and 60s. Here is a great look at some of the fashion you can find at the event. I really need to go one of these days!

To see some of the cars, planes, and more fashion from the event, visit this Goodwood Revival Flickr page.

Average: 5 (1 vote)

Fashion Photography by Jamie Nelson

Loving this series of photos by Jamie Nelson. They have a very retro, hippie, 70's feel to them. This is just one of the many great fashion photo series' in Nelson's portfolio. If you like these, I recommend checking the rest out.

Fashion Photography by Jamie Nelson

Fashion Photography by Jamie Nelson

Fashion Photography by Jamie Nelson

Fashion Photography by Jamie Nelson

Fashion Photography by Jamie Nelson

Fashion Designers: 
Average: 4 (1 vote)

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