
Holiday 2012 by BHLDN

This wonderful lookbook by BHLDN gives you a glimpse of what it must have looked like during a party in the Roaring Twenties. Women don beautiful dresses reminiscent of the glitz and glamour of the 20's. The best part about this lookbook is, these items  are all available at BHLDN! Make sure to check out their slideshow to purchase anything you like.

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The Fashion Stylings of Jessica R

Jessica R is a 25 year old graphic artist/web editor and fashion blogger from the Bay Area of California. Here's a little excerpt from her blog Hapa Time:

"Even though at this point (after blogging for 10 months - 10.9.12) I almost exclusively show off my sponsor's clothing, I make sure to keep it classy, on trend, subtly sexy, edgy, modern and almost always polished. I always pick the items I style and am very selective. I try to keep a style that is affordable too though affordable is very subjective, I would say a young working woman in her 20's and early 30's would be happiest taking any kind of advice from me or my blog!"

For more beautiful and stylish outfits from Jessica, visit her loobook.nu. If you like the outfits, check out her blog to see where you can get them.

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The Fashion Stylings of Ebba Zingmark

Ebba Zingmark is a 17 year old fashion blogger from Sweden. From the looks of it, she can pull off any outfit you throw at her, and with great style and flair. If you like these, she has a ton more on lookbook.nu. Definitely looking forward to her future looks!

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He Wears It Star Wars Fashion by John Woo

In this awesome series, John Woo dresses up Star Wars characters in high end fashion. If you really like these, you can get them as prints on Etsy.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

Ulyana Sergeenko Lookbook Fall Winter 2011

By the looks of it, you would never know this was Ulyana Sergeenko's first fashion line. There is a nice vintage feel to her designs which were inspired by 1950s illustrations in Soviet Vogue. Check out etoday to see more from this wonderful collection.

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Average: 4 (1 vote)

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