
Hollywood Gold featuring Estella Warren

Beautiful shoot featuring Estalla Warren shot by Jamie Beck & Kevin Burg. See more at The Glamourai!

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The Fashion Stylings of Jessica R

Jessica R is a 25 year old graphic artist/web editor and fashion blogger from the Bay Area of California. Here's a little excerpt from her blog Hapa Time:

"Even though at this point (after blogging for 10 months - 10.9.12) I almost exclusively show off my sponsor's clothing, I make sure to keep it classy, on trend, subtly sexy, edgy, modern and almost always polished. I always pick the items I style and am very selective. I try to keep a style that is affordable too though affordable is very subjective, I would say a young working woman in her 20's and early 30's would be happiest taking any kind of advice from me or my blog!"

For more beautiful and stylish outfits from Jessica, visit her If you like the outfits, check out her blog to see where you can get them.

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