
Fashion Pin Ups Before and After

This series shows pin up drawings and the inspiration photo behind them. The drawings are nearly identical to their real life counterparts. You will be hard pressed to find many differences, everything from the facial expression to the clothes they wear is well portrayed. Not sure who drew or took these pictures, but you can check more out on imgur.

Fashion Designers: 
Average: 4 (1 vote)

Bonnie and Clyde by Aram Bedrossian

Aram Bedrossian does an amazing job re-imagining the lives of Bonnie and Clyde. Everything about this shoot is awesome, from the vintage clothing and props to the story-like scenes. It gives you an enjoyable look into what life might have looked like for the notorious couple. VNY models Ollie Edwards and Elise Digby

Fashion Designers: 
Average: 2.5 (2 votes)

Vintage Inspired Central Park Engagement Photos by Olivia Graham

It's not every day you get to see such a refreshing set of engagement photos. This wonderful set was shot by Olivia Graham in Central Park. There is a nice vintage feel to the photos, from the outfits, to the makeup and lighting, everything gives you that old-fashioned feel. Let's hope some more photographers can take a page from this book.

Vintage Inspired Central Park Engagement Photos by Olivia Graham

Vintage Inspired Central Park Engagement Photos by Olivia Graham

Vintage Inspired Central Park Engagement Photos by Olivia Graham

Vintage Inspired Central Park Engagement Photos by Olivia Graham

Fashion Designers: 
Average: 5 (2 votes)

Fashion Photography by Norman Parkinson

While browsing images on Piccsy, I stumbled upon a wonderful photo by the late fashion photographer Norman Parkinson. I did some more exploring and uncovered some really great vintage fashion photography. There's something extremely elegant about his photography without being abrasive.

The Original from Piccsy

Fashion Photography by Norman Parkinson


Fashion Photography by Norman Parkinson

Fashion Photography by Norman Parkinson

Fashion Photography by Norman Parkinson

Fashion Photography by Norman Parkinson

Fashion Photography by Norman Parkinson

Fashion Photography by Norman Parkinson

Fashion Designers: 
Average: 4 (1 vote)

Annata 1954 Fashion Photography by Riccardo Raiti

Some great vintage looks in this fashion photo shoot by Riccardo Raiti. This shoot features some very throwback looks.

Annata 1954 Fashion Photography by Riccardo Raiti

Annata 1954 Fashion Photography by Riccardo Raiti

Annata 1954 Fashion Photography by Riccardo Raiti

Annata 1954 Fashion Photography by Riccardo Raiti

Annata 1954 Fashion Photography by Riccardo Raiti

Annata 1954 Fashion Photography by Riccardo Raiti

Models: Priscilla's Model Management - Laura Gorun, Siannon Pallister, Joey Slomowitz, Danny Pratt

Stylist: Lalita Lu

Fashion Designers: 
Average: 4.5 (2 votes)

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