black and white

Love Story by Nikolay Biryukov for Elle Ukraine

Nikolay Biryukov does a wonderful job capturing models Sam Rollinson and Ondrey as a loving couple in these 60s cinema style shots for Elle Ukraine. Their vintage styled looks and wonderful location choices create a romantic and beautiful series.

If you like these, you might also like Bonnie and Clyde by Aram Bedrossian and Lust For Love by Nicoline Patricia Malina.

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Katy Perry for ghd

Katy Perry is known for her great voice, but she also has great hair. Katy has been the Global Brand Ambassador for hair-styling brand ghd since 2011. The black and white photos were shot by Ellen von Unwerth, and the colored ones by David LaChapelle. Which look is your favorite?

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Model: Simone d’Aillencourt

Simone D'Aillencourt was supermodel in the 1950s to mid 1960s. Her most famous shoot was the Bubble Series by Melvin Sokolsky. Other than that, I can't find much else about her. That being said, enjoy the pictures.

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Black and White Fashion Photography by Szymon Brodziak

Szymon Brodziak is a Polish fashion photogapher specializing in unconventional black and white advertising campaigns. He studied economics in school but found his passion in photography. While working as a wedding reporter, he learned to capture unique moments and emotions. His work often features beautiful women in sensual poses.

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Bubble Series by Melvin Sokolsky

Melvin Sokolsky captured his iconic Bubble series for Harper's Bazaar in 1963. Simone D’Aillencourt dons vintage fashion in various parts of Paris while a crane holds up the bubble to create the illusion of floating.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

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