Harper's Bazaar

Flirty Fifties Featuring Miranda Kerr by Terry Richardson

Miranda Kerr channels some fifties vintage fashion in this set for Harper's Bazaar. Her sophisticated looks would make any man's head turn. Photos by Terry Richardson.

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Bubble Series by Melvin Sokolsky

Melvin Sokolsky captured his iconic Bubble series for Harper's Bazaar in 1963. Simone D’Aillencourt dons vintage fashion in various parts of Paris while a crane holds up the bubble to create the illusion of floating.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

Mila Kunis by Terry Richardson for Harper's Bazaar

Harper's Bazaar interviewed the lovely Mila Kunis for their April 2012 issue. You can check out the interview, or see more photos of one Hollywood's new "it" girls. Photography by Terry Richardson.

Oh, and if you like her dress above, the Chiffon dress will only set you back $13,000.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

Lust For Love by Nicoline Patricia Malina

Lust for Love tells an amazing story that needs no words. Photographer Nicoline Patricia Malina creates an incredibly rich, touching, and emotional images for this Harper's Bazaar Indonesia Febuary 2011 editorial. It feels as if each vibrant image was pulled straight from a movie.

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Average: 5 (1 vote)

Dancing Diamonds Featuring Wang Xiao - Harper's Bazaar

Diamonds flow majestically around model Wang Xiao in this editorial for Haper's Bazaar China. Xiao  compliments the diamond formations beautifully. The masterful blending of Xiao with the diamonds makes it feel like the diamonds are actually there.

Dancing Diamonds Featuring Wang Xiao - Harper's Bazaar

Dancing Diamonds Featuring Wang Xiao - Harper's Bazaar

Dancing Diamonds Featuring Wang Xiao - Harper's Bazaar

Dancing Diamonds Featuring Wang Xiao - Harper's Bazaar

Dancing Diamonds Featuring Wang Xiao - Harper's Bazaar

Dancing Diamonds Featuring Wang Xiao - Harper's Bazaar

Model: Wang Xiao (Wilhelmina)
Editorial: Dancing Diamonds
Magazine: Harper's Bazaar China, December 2010
Photographer: Ling Gao Yin, Juan Zi
Stylist: Dong Gang Wen
Hair: Unknown
Makeup: Zhang Shuai, Lao Hei

Fashion Designers: 
Average: 4 (1 vote)

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