
31 Bits Handmade Necklaces

31 Bits is a wonderful shop that sells hand made jewelry from women in Uganda. Here is the story of how it started:

"Kallie Dovel, traveled to Uganda in the summer of 2007, getting a first- hand look at life in Northern Uganda. While she was there, she met women making paper beads but who lacked a plan to market and sell them. After spending time in their homes and hearing their stories, Kallie knew there had to be a way to give opportunities to her new friends. She brought a box of jewelry back to the U.S., and spent the next year finishing her degree and dreaming up the concept of a development organization. She brought a few friends on board and her ideas quickly evolved into 31 Bits. The girls traveled back to Uganda in August 2008, and selected six women to begin buying jewelry from on a monthly basis. Since then, we have grown to 99 women; each with a unique story of suffering that has been overcome with joy and liberation. Find out more about what we do in Uganda here."

31 Bits is not only a wonderful story, but they also provide beautiful jewelry at an affordable price.You can wear it no matter whether you are wearing bright colors or neutral colors or even for your wedding.

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Tanishq Bridal Prelude by Sharon Nayak

Sharon Nayak captures the essence of a beautiful bride in this print campaign for Tanishq brand bridal jewelry. She perfectly captures brides adorned in beautiful jewelry and traditional Indian garbs. Even though you know this is an ad campaign, Sharon makes each photo feel like you are peering into a bride's special day.

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Dancing Diamonds Featuring Wang Xiao - Harper's Bazaar

Diamonds flow majestically around model Wang Xiao in this editorial for Haper's Bazaar China. Xiao  compliments the diamond formations beautifully. The masterful blending of Xiao with the diamonds makes it feel like the diamonds are actually there.

Dancing Diamonds Featuring Wang Xiao - Harper's Bazaar

Dancing Diamonds Featuring Wang Xiao - Harper's Bazaar

Dancing Diamonds Featuring Wang Xiao - Harper's Bazaar

Dancing Diamonds Featuring Wang Xiao - Harper's Bazaar

Dancing Diamonds Featuring Wang Xiao - Harper's Bazaar

Dancing Diamonds Featuring Wang Xiao - Harper's Bazaar

Model: Wang Xiao (Wilhelmina)
Editorial: Dancing Diamonds
Magazine: Harper's Bazaar China, December 2010
Photographer: Ling Gao Yin, Juan Zi
Stylist: Dong Gang Wen
Hair: Unknown
Makeup: Zhang Shuai, Lao Hei

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Average: 4 (1 vote)

Une Fleur Sauvage

Balmain Dress

I'm not too sure about the details of this project other than it is a great photo spread. The photos are by Danielle St. Laurent, the model is Taylor Warren and the fashion editor is Rachel Gilman.

Left: Just Cavalli Dress, Right: Balmain Dress

Left: Moschino Blouse, Right:Gucci Dress

Alice and Olivia Shorts

Liza Bruce Swimsuit

Balmain Dress

Average: 4 (1 vote)

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