
Chinese Beauty in a Pink Dress

Check out these gorgeous shots of a Chinese model in a pink dress. I love the dress and ornate hair stylings!

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Dancing Diamonds Featuring Wang Xiao - Harper's Bazaar

Diamonds flow majestically around model Wang Xiao in this editorial for Haper's Bazaar China. Xiao  compliments the diamond formations beautifully. The masterful blending of Xiao with the diamonds makes it feel like the diamonds are actually there.

Dancing Diamonds Featuring Wang Xiao - Harper's Bazaar

Dancing Diamonds Featuring Wang Xiao - Harper's Bazaar

Dancing Diamonds Featuring Wang Xiao - Harper's Bazaar

Dancing Diamonds Featuring Wang Xiao - Harper's Bazaar

Dancing Diamonds Featuring Wang Xiao - Harper's Bazaar

Dancing Diamonds Featuring Wang Xiao - Harper's Bazaar

Model: Wang Xiao (Wilhelmina)
Editorial: Dancing Diamonds
Magazine: Harper's Bazaar China, December 2010
Photographer: Ling Gao Yin, Juan Zi
Stylist: Dong Gang Wen
Hair: Unknown
Makeup: Zhang Shuai, Lao Hei

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Average: 4 (1 vote)

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