
Tanishq Bridal Prelude by Sharon Nayak

Sharon Nayak captures the essence of a beautiful bride in this print campaign for Tanishq brand bridal jewelry. She perfectly captures brides adorned in beautiful jewelry and traditional Indian garbs. Even though you know this is an ad campaign, Sharon makes each photo feel like you are peering into a bride's special day.

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Lady Gaga's Alexander McQueen Gown

This dress by the late Alexander McQueen was sported by Lady Gaga on two separate occasions. Once for the September  Vanity Fair photo shoot and the other for the 2010 MTV VMA Awards. The outfit also features McQueen heels and a Angels Fancy Dress crown.

Lady Gaga's Alexander McQueen Gown

Lady Gaga's Alexander McQueen Gown

Lady Gaga's Alexander McQueen Gown

Lady Gaga's Alexander McQueen Gown

Lady Gaga's Alexander McQueen Gown

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Average: 4 (1 vote)

Vanity Fair 1953 Photography by Mark Shaw

This 1953 award winning advertisement for Vanity Fair is a truly beautiful and elegant. Photographer Mark Shaw does a superb job capturing the models in their flowing gowns. You even get the impression that some of the shots were pulled straight from Ancient Greece or Rome.

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Average: 4.5 (15 votes)

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