
Groom Bows and Ties

The girls over at Wedding Chicks provided this great set of groom looks with bows and ties from For more information about the photos and specific ties shown, visit this great article from the Wedding Chicks.

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Average: 3 (3 votes)

Marie Antoinette by Wildberry Studio & Rhondda Scott

This beautiful shoot began when Rhondda Scott found a wig on the internet, and showed it to Vanessa of Wildberry Studio & Design. After many chats, they came up with the idea of Marie Antoinette as a bride. One of the nice touches they added was the unique apple boquet from florist Velvetlily

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Tanishq Bridal Prelude by Sharon Nayak

Sharon Nayak captures the essence of a beautiful bride in this print campaign for Tanishq brand bridal jewelry. She perfectly captures brides adorned in beautiful jewelry and traditional Indian garbs. Even though you know this is an ad campaign, Sharon makes each photo feel like you are peering into a bride's special day.

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Haute Couture Wedding Dresses by Stella de Libero

If you think traditional wedding dresses are a bit stale, you'll love these dresses by Stella de Libero. Her dresses elegant, colorful and filled with design flourishes. 

Fashion Designers: 
Average: 5 (2 votes)

Italian Wedding by David Burton

This is an absolutely stunning wedding series shot by David Burton. If these photos are staged by models, they were done perfectly. Burton does a great job capturing the moods and feelings of a wedding. Shot for Elle Bride Italia 2010.

Average: 5 (2 votes)

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