
Haute Couture Wedding Dresses by Stella de Libero

If you think traditional wedding dresses are a bit stale, you'll love these dresses by Stella de Libero. Her dresses elegant, colorful and filled with design flourishes. 

Fashion Designers: 
Average: 5 (2 votes)

The Ever Changing Face of Beauty by Solve Sundsbo

The Ever Changing Face of Beauty was a video commissioned by W Magazine and created by Solve Sundsbo, featuring the beautiful Laura Stone. This series juxtaposes Laura against different fashion stylings, elements of nature, men and animals. Check out the lovely video below. You can even get an app of it at the iTunes store.


Average: 4 (1 vote)

Daria Fedotova by Igor Oussenko

Very few women can actually pull off such bright and bold outfits. Luckily Daria Fedotova is a model, and has no trouble doing it. Photos by Igor Oussenko.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

Bar Refaeli for Agua Bendita 2011

If you needed a reminder of why you love summer so much, here is Bar Refaeli to remind you. Bar looks absolutely amazing in Agua Bendita's swimwear. Don't worry, summer is only half a year away, unless you're down here in Florida ;)

Fashion Designers: 
Average: 4 (1 vote)

Sara von Schrenk by Markus Ziegler

Markus Ziegler does an incredible job of capturing Swedish model Sara von Schrenk for the July 2011 issue of Elle Mexico. The photos are full of color and he gets some great close-ups of Sara. My only complaint would be the slight blurs in the photos, but still a great overall series.

Fashion Designers: 
Average: 4.5 (2 votes)

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