Solve Sundsbo

The Ever Changing Face of Beauty by Solve Sundsbo

The Ever Changing Face of Beauty was a video commissioned by W Magazine and created by Solve Sundsbo, featuring the beautiful Laura Stone. This series juxtaposes Laura against different fashion stylings, elements of nature, men and animals. Check out the lovely video below. You can even get an app of it at the iTunes store.


Average: 4 (1 vote)

Alessandra Ambrosio & Ana Beatriz Barros in No Crime to be Rich

Brazilian beauties Alessandra Ambrosio and Ana Beatriz Barros star in this wonderful retro inspired series for Vogue Nippon's October 2010 issue. Loving the colors and varied styles in each photo, and of course, it wouldn't be a great fashion spread with some ridiculous poses.

Fashion Designers: 
Average: 4 (1 vote)

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