
Love Story by Nikolay Biryukov for Elle Ukraine

Nikolay Biryukov does a wonderful job capturing models Sam Rollinson and Ondrey as a loving couple in these 60s cinema style shots for Elle Ukraine. Their vintage styled looks and wonderful location choices create a romantic and beautiful series.

If you like these, you might also like Bonnie and Clyde by Aram Bedrossian and Lust For Love by Nicoline Patricia Malina.

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Sara von Schrenk by Markus Ziegler

Markus Ziegler does an incredible job of capturing Swedish model Sara von Schrenk for the July 2011 issue of Elle Mexico. The photos are full of color and he gets some great close-ups of Sara. My only complaint would be the slight blurs in the photos, but still a great overall series.

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Average: 4.5 (2 votes)

Angela Lindvall by Asa Tallgard for Elle

Angela Lindvall poses for Asa Tallgard in this Elle Russia June 2011 shoot. Definitely some sensual but classy shots here.

Fashion Designers: 
Average: 4 (1 vote)

Josefine Ekman Nilsson by Joel Rhodin

If you want to look good at the beach, just follow the lead of Josefine Ekman Nilsson. She makes everything seem elegant. Shot by Joel Rhodin for Elle Sweden May 2011.

Fashion Designers: 
Average: 4 (3 votes)

Elle's Electric Company Editorial Photography by Yelena Yemchuck

This colorful fashion editorial named Electric Company was in the September 2009 issue of Elle magazine. The outfits were inspired by 70's fashion. The photos were shot by Yelena Yemchuck. The model is Madisyn Ritland. Find out more about the people behind the shoot here.

Elle's Electric Company Editorial Photography by Yelena Yemchuck

Elle's Electric Company Editorial Photography by Yelena Yemchuck

Elle's Electric Company Editorial Photography by Yelena Yemchuck

Elle's Electric Company Editorial Photography by Yelena Yemchuck

Elle's Electric Company Editorial Photography by Yelena Yemchuck

Elle's Electric Company Editorial Photography by Yelena Yemchuck

Elle's Electric Company Editorial Photography by Yelena Yemchuck

Fashion Designers: 
Average: 3 (1 vote)

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