
Elle's Electric Company Editorial Photography by Yelena Yemchuck

This colorful fashion editorial named Electric Company was in the September 2009 issue of Elle magazine. The outfits were inspired by 70's fashion. The photos were shot by Yelena Yemchuck. The model is Madisyn Ritland. Find out more about the people behind the shoot here.

Elle's Electric Company Editorial Photography by Yelena Yemchuck

Elle's Electric Company Editorial Photography by Yelena Yemchuck

Elle's Electric Company Editorial Photography by Yelena Yemchuck

Elle's Electric Company Editorial Photography by Yelena Yemchuck

Elle's Electric Company Editorial Photography by Yelena Yemchuck

Elle's Electric Company Editorial Photography by Yelena Yemchuck

Elle's Electric Company Editorial Photography by Yelena Yemchuck

Fashion Designers: 
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