Deviant Art

Colorfully Surreal Landscapes by americanpsycho

Deviant Art user ~americanpsycho has some seriously amazing work. Colors are bursting at the seems and the clouds seem to stretch on forever. He really knows how to make his work pop. For more goodness, check out his portfolio.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

Commander-in-Chief of Awesome by Jason Heuser (SharpWriter)

There is one thing all great presidents have in common: being a badass. Jason Heuser (SharpWriter on Deviant Art) perfectly portrays this concept in his awesome presidential portraits. This series has everything from fighting robots, zombies, and gorillas to riding a grizzly bear to victory. Make sure to check out his other paintings on Deviant Art, he some truly great work.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

Historical Disney Princesses by Claire Hummel

Love these illustrations by Claire Hummel (shoomlah on Deviant Art). Claire redrew Disney princesses to have more historically accurate attire. To see some of the resources she used for the dress designs, read her resource page. You can also read an FAQ about this series.

Average: 4.8 (4 votes)

Digital Art by Erik Schumacher

Erik Schumacher (kire1987 on Deviant Art) is a German student studying physics, but in my opinion, he should stick to art. He definitely has some impressive work and is part of the distinguished Depthcore art collective. There is a distinct style to his work, but his techniques don't feel overused. Check out some more of his work on Deviant Art.

Average: 4 (2 votes)

Stunning and Surreal Digital Art by Albulena Panduri

Albulena Panduri (blue-a on Deviant Art) has created some absolutely stunning photo manipulations. Each one grabs you and draws you into a surreal and beautiful new world. I couldn't help but stare in awe at all of her fantasy worlds. I highly suggest checking out the rest of her gallery if you get a chance.

Average: 5 (1 vote)

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