
Michaela Kocianova by Greg Kadel

Michaela Kocianova pulls off classy, sexy and elegant all in the same series. Fashionable accesories with swimwear is the norm in this beautiful shoot. Thanks goes to Greg Kadel and Vogue Italia (June 2011) for bringing us this series.

Fashion Designers: 
Average: 2.5 (2 votes)

Isabeli Fontana and Angela Lindvall for Valentino

One thing that has always confused me about fashion is the way seasons and designers dictate what is in and out of style. The shots in this series, for example, are from the Fall 2008 campaign for Valentino. In the fashion world, these are outfits are way out of style. Either way, this is a great set of photos.

Isabeli Fontana and Angela Lindvall for Valentino

Isabeli Fontana and Angela Lindvall for Valentino

Isabeli Fontana and Angela Lindvall for Valentino

Isabeli Fontana and Angela Lindvall for Valentino

Isabeli Fontana and Angela Lindvall for Valentino

Isabeli Fontana and Angela Lindvall for Valentino

Photographer: Peter Lindbergh

Models: Angela Lindvall, Isabeli Fontana, Taylor Fuchs

Fashion Designers: 
Average: 5 (2 votes)

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