Lily Donaldson

Lily Donaldson by Carter Smith for Vogue UK 2005

Lily Donaldson looks absolutely amazing in this Vogue UK 2005 editorial. I love the combination of subtle colors, giant necklaces, and of course the alluring poses of Lily. I think I fell in love when I saw the photo above.

Lily Donaldson by Carter Smith for Vogue UK 2005

Lily Donaldson by Carter Smith for Vogue UK 2005

Lily Donaldson by Carter Smith for Vogue UK 2005

Lily Donaldson by Carter Smith for Vogue UK 2005

Lily Donaldson by Carter Smith for Vogue UK 2005

Lily Donaldson by Carter Smith for Vogue UK 2005

Lily Donaldson by Carter Smith for Vogue UK 2005

Fashion Designers: 
Average: 4 (1 vote)

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