body painting

Stylish Photo Projects by Soon Tong

Singapore based photographer Soon Tong has a wide variety of interesting projects. He has shot advertising, fashion, and various artistic projects which display his versatility and love for experimentation. If you get a chance, check out his other projects too.

Body Painting

Stylish Photo Projects by Soon Tong

Stylish Photo Projects by Soon Tong

Stylish Photo Projects by Soon Tong


Paper Couture

Stylish Photo Projects by Soon Tong

Stylish Photo Projects by Soon Tong

Stylish Photo Projects by Soon Tong

Stylish Photo Projects by Soon Tong

Stylish Photo Projects by Soon Tong


The Way She Moves

Stylish Photo Projects by Soon Tong

Stylish Photo Projects by Soon Tong

Stylish Photo Projects by Soon Tong

Stylish Photo Projects by Soon Tong

Average: 3 (1 vote)

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