
Retro Pin-up Model Kessy P. Ironic

There's something I really love about pin-up/retro models. This set features Kessy P. Ironic, a pin-up model from Augsburg, Germany. Her love of the 50's, rockabilly, and rock n' rolll led to her becoming a pin-up model.

Average: 4 (2 votes)

Asian Beauty Jiang Hailun

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I may have found the most beautiful Asian woman on the planet. All I know is her name is Jiang Hailun and she takes amazing photos. Enjoy!

Average: 3 (2 votes)

Hayden Panettiere at Oktoberfest

Is there anything more beautiful than Hayden Panettiere in a dirndl? I have my doubts. Here a few shots of the beautiful starlet at Oktoberfest. If that's not enough, check out this Reddit group dedicated to dirndls. The internet sure is awesome!

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Angel Baby Wedding Photos

A beautiful Asian bride adorned in her wedding gown.

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Wonderous Portraits by Miki Takahashi

Miki Takahashi's portraits are a thing of beauty! The way she merges them with smoke, cities and elements from nature creates compelling and thought provoking shots. Her subjects look off into the distance and appear to be deep in contemplation, making you wonder what is going on in their heads.

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