
Rainy Cities by Cristophe Jacrot

Cristophe Jacrot is a master of "bad weather" photography.

"In my opinion, there are two ways of capturing the world for a photographer; on the one hand grasping its horror, and on the other sublimating it. I have chosen the second. More specifically, I like the way rain, snow and “bad weather” awaken a feeling of romantic fiction within me, mainly in the big cities. (climatic excesses are another topic). 

I see these elements as a fabulous ground for photography, an under-used visual universe with a strong evocative power, and with a richness of subtle lights. This universe escapes most of us, since we are too occupied getting undercover. Man becomes a ghostly silhouette wandering and obeying the hazards of rain or of snow, into the eternity of the climate ...

My approach is deliberately pictorial and emotional."

Here are some of his wonderful shots from Paris, Hong Kong, and Tokyo.

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Winter Wonderland NYC Style by Dustin Cantrell

Dustin Cantrell is a photographer from California, so naturally when Winter Storm Nemo came through New York City, he went outside to capture the wonderful aftermath of the blizzard. Below are a few beauties of Central Park and the surrounding area. Here's how he described the experience, "I kept on having flashbacks to how I imagine life was before technology."

Average: 5 (1 vote)

Vitaly Raskalov Russian Skywalker

Some people get a thrill by riding on a roller coaster or driving a fast car. People like 19 year old Russian photographer Vitaly Raskalov get their thrill by skywalking, which consists of scaling tall structures without safety equipment and uploading pictures to social media sites. The only way to get such breathtaking photos is to climb the structures yourself, or look at them on the internet. I will gladly do the latter and let the thrill-seekers provide us with spectacular views. My palms are sweaty just from looking at them.

Average: 3 (1 vote)

Jacksonville, Florida in Black and White by Kevin Chung

I set a personal photos I took while in Jacksonville, Florida. Enjoy!

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Colorful Night Photography by Nykoh

Nykoh is a photographer from Brussels, Belgium. His photographs capture the wonder and beauty of colors at night. Light bounces off building walls and wet city streets, creating wonderful silhouettes and shadows. If you like these photos you can go to his Facebook page for new photo updates.

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