
New York City by Stefan Georgi (onesevenone)

Stefan Georgi is a German Art Director living in New York City. His Flickr stream features thousands of shots of the city that never sleeps and many of them are quite spectacular. Here is just a small sampling of his photos.

Average: 5 (3 votes)

Reconstructed Works by Pep Ventosa

Pep Ventosa's masterful work involves stitching together dozens to hundreds of photographs into a single image. Each location creates a unique and interesting pattern that tells a story of its own.

Check out more awesome photo projects on his portfolio. His other projects are very reminiscent of Corinne Vionnet's Photo Opportunites project.

Average: 5 (1 vote)

360 Panoramics by Sam Rohn

Sam Rohn specializes in stereographic panoramas aka little planet photos. Each one is unique and brings a fun twist to location shots. He also specializes in 360 degree panoramas and is a location scout for New York City. Check out more of his great work on his portfolio.

Average: 5 (2 votes)

Black and White Cities by Jean-Michel Berts

Some superb black and white photos by Jean-Michel Berts. He has an extremely good eye for composition and black and white photo oppurtunities. You can keep up to date with his new photos on Facebook.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

San Francisco by Terence Chang

Terence Chang has captured San Francisco like I've never seen before. He stays clear of the cliché shots of the city, and shows us some great new sights and perspectives of the city. Terence makes great use of fog and lights to create some interesting photos. Check out more of his photos on Flickr.

Average: 4.7 (3 votes)

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