New York City

Vintage Crime Scene Photos Superimposed on Modern NY St

Crazy cool project that superimposes crime scene photos from the past over modern New York City Streets. Posted by Imgur user NocturnalDaze.

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Winter Wonderland NYC Style by Dustin Cantrell

Dustin Cantrell is a photographer from California, so naturally when Winter Storm Nemo came through New York City, he went outside to capture the wonderful aftermath of the blizzard. Below are a few beauties of Central Park and the surrounding area. Here's how he described the experience, "I kept on having flashbacks to how I imagine life was before technology."

Average: 5 (1 vote)

Building New York City's Bridges by Eugene de Salignac

Up until fairly recently, even Eugene de Salignac's own family did not know much about him. The family received a call from the Municipal Archives of the City of New York and discovered Eugene was the photographer of thousands of images. While he worked for the Department of Bridges, De Salignac shot the construction of the Manhattan and Queensboro Bridges  among other things. This is just a small record of some of his magnificent photos. If you like these, you can get a book of his photos on Amazon.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

New York City by Stefan Georgi (onesevenone)

Stefan Georgi is a German Art Director living in New York City. His Flickr stream features thousands of shots of the city that never sleeps and many of them are quite spectacular. Here is just a small sampling of his photos.

Average: 5 (3 votes)

Crossing Queensboro Bridge New York City by Matt Mawson

You might remember Matt Mawson from his great Coney Island series. This time he captures the Queensboro Bridge in New York City and its surroundings. I think the high contrast in these photos really helps make these rainy day photos come to life and gives them a gritty look.

Average: 4.5 (2 votes)

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