
Creative Portraits of a Daughter by Nagano Toyokazu

Nagano Toyokazu is the photographer behind these wonderfully creative photos of his daughter. First he comes up with a creative idea, then has his daughter act it out in front of the camera to create some adorable scenes. He is shooting this series to so his daughters have fond memories when they grow up. Not only that, but he loves sharing his photos with others. "I hope that the photos I take will continue to make people from around the world smile and make them happy."

If you like these don't forget to check out World’s Best Father by Dave Engledow and When My Baby Dreams Great Fan Art Competition.

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The Magic and Wonder of Venice. Photos by pisanim1

When I hear Venice(Italy), these are the types of images that pop into my head. Flickr user pisanim1 perfectly captures the magic and wonder of one of the world's most beautiful cities. These photos really make me want to go there and get lost in the city.

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Captivating Sunsets by Juan Todrigo Legua

Juan Todrigo Legua's sunset photos are so breathtaking, they seem almost unreal. The bright shades of orange, yellow and red, along with the beautiful reflections, really bring his photos to life. Looking at these makes me want to retire and just take photos of the sunrise/sunset.

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Mesmerizing Light Paintings by Wes Whaley

Wes Whaley's light art is truly mesmerizing. His photos are filled with different shapes, patterns and colors that draw you in. The best part, his shots are all created in camera without the use of Photoshop. Check out his Flickr to see a ton more images.

Average: 5 (1 vote)

Refractions (Water Drop Shots) by Markus Reugels

Photographer Markus Reugels creates these amazing water drop shots using a handmade custom wood rig. Everything from the viscosity to the temperature of the water can affect the shot. He often spends hundreds of hours trying to capture the perfect image. In my opinion, they are worth the effort! 

Average: 5 (1 vote)

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