Sean Lenz and Kristoffer Abildgaard of From the Lenz collaborated to create these spectacular and colorful neon waterfalls. The duo took long exposure photos ranging from 30 seconds to 7 minutes to capture these awesome shots.
If you live anywhere near a city, you'll be lucky to see a single star in the night sky. Luckily for us, there are people like Knate Myers to capture the beauty of the night sky. Knate is a self-taught photographer living in Albuquerque,NM who only recently discovered timelapse and astro photography. It's a good thing he lives in the southwest. It allows him to capture the stars and sky away from the city lights, resulting in some beautiful shots.
If you like his photos, you can buy a calendar of them on Zazzle.
Nykoh is a photographer from Brussels, Belgium. His photographs capture the wonder and beauty of colors at night. Light bounces off building walls and wet city streets, creating wonderful silhouettes and shadows. If you like these photos you can go to his Facebook page for new photo updates.
The world looks incredibly different, and beautiful, under the lense of a miscroscope. You just need to take a look at these images from the Olympus BioScapes Digital Imaging Competition for proof. This international competition, in its ninth year, honors the world's most extraordinary microscope images. Check out more at the Olympus BioScapes website!
Wes Whaley's light art is truly mesmerizing. His photos are filled with different shapes, patterns and colors that draw you in. The best part, his shots are all created in camera without the use of Photoshop. Check out his Flickr to see a ton more images.