
Incredible Urban Photography by Thomas Birke

Thomas Birke's urban photography really makes cities come to life. His photos give a preview of what life might be like in the future. To portray this, he takes photos of densly populated areas and tries to show at least 1,000 people and their traces in each picture. By capturing illuminated windows and light streaks of vehicles, you can see the footprint of urban environments. I highly recommend viewing his photos in full resolution to truly get a sense of what he is capturing.

Urban Photography by Thomas Birke

Urban Photography by Thomas Birke

Urban Photography by Thomas Birke

Urban Photography by Thomas Birke

Urban Photography by Thomas Birke

Urban Photography by Thomas Birke

Urban Photography by Thomas Birke

Urban Photography by Thomas Birke

Urban Photography by Thomas Birke

Average: 4.7 (6 votes)

Most Interesting Photography by Garry Schlatter

Here are some pretty nice landscape photos by Garry Schlatter. They are all considered his "Most Interesting" photos on Flickr. Many of them have a serene and contemplative feel to them. He definitely has a way of capturing the perfect light for his shots.

My favorite, is the moon shot which beautifully captures the moon and clouds even if it is slightly altered. It just has a wonderful feel to it, and I love the way the lights in the bottom right corner balance out the strong presence of the moon.

Average: 1.2 (34 votes)

Canon Pixma: Bringing colour to life by Dentsu London

This is a very cool video by Dentsu London on how the Canon Pixma: Bringing colour to life commercial was made, Video is at the bottom of the post. Thanks to bil2k on for the link.


Canon Pixma: Bringing colour to life from Dentsu London on Vimeo.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

Omega 2010 Calendar by Aleksey Marina

This is an amazing set of photos by Aleksey Marina for the Omega-Print publishing house promo-calendar 2010. Each image brings you to a strange, beautiful, and elegant place.

Average: 4.5 (2 votes)

Beach Landscape Photography by Steve Bell

This shot of the sunrise has a wonderful mix of pink and blue.

Steve Bell has a knack for capturing sunrises at the beach. Each of these photos does a wonderful job capturing the incredible light and color of the sunrise. If you enjoy these photos, you can buy prints of his work at RedBubble.

This photo captures some shharp reds and orange along with some more subtle shades.This photo captures some sharp reds and orange along the horizon and some more subtle shades as you get further away.

This photo has very vibrant red, orange, and yellow, contrasted by the silhouettes in the foreground.This photo has very vibrant red, orange, and yellow, contrasted by the silhouettes in the foreground.

Average: 5 (1 vote)

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