
Fun with Light by Dan Holdsworth

These photos are from mostly from different projects, but they all have one thing in common, great use of light. Dan Holdsworth has found a way to compose interesting photographs by using different light sources as an emphasis. He's used everything from the beam shining out of a mountain, to the aurora borealis to a solitary lampost. I'm not sure whether this has been done on purpose, but it is quite effective.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

Most Interesting Photography by Garry Schlatter

Here are some pretty nice landscape photos by Garry Schlatter. They are all considered his "Most Interesting" photos on Flickr. Many of them have a serene and contemplative feel to them. He definitely has a way of capturing the perfect light for his shots.

My favorite, is the moon shot which beautifully captures the moon and clouds even if it is slightly altered. It just has a wonderful feel to it, and I love the way the lights in the bottom right corner balance out the strong presence of the moon.

Average: 1.2 (34 votes)

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