
Bloom Day Scans by Craig Cramer

Craig Cramer's Bloom Day Scans are a thing of beauty. Almost every month, Craig scans flowers in bloom. His scans produce a wonderful look at which flowers bloom throughout the year. I love how the colorful flowers are offset by a black background, creating amazing contrast. If you like these photos, feel free to buy his Bloom Day Scans 2012 calendar on Zazzle.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

Terra Cibus (Food Closeups) by Caren Alpert


Caren Alpert makes a living taking recognizable photos of food. This led to her interest in showing the landscapes, patterns, and textures of different foods. Her intention was to create a completely new response to food from her viewers, and it sure has.

"Photographs taken with electron microscopes have seized my interest because of their mystery and simultaneous familiarity. This medium deconstructs, abstracts, and reveals the ordinary in a riveting way. The closer the lens got, the more I saw food - and consumers of food - as part of a larger eco-system.

There's so much rhetoric in our culture around food: food science, food journalism, food history, and food how-to. It is my hope that these photographs might transform our food obsession into a newfound closeness with what nourishes us."

Make sure to check out the rest of her awesome food closeups at her web gallery.


Average: 5 (1 vote)

Replay (Glow Series) by Guillaume Kayacan

What happens when you give a bunch of hipsters glow in the dark paint? You get this series by Guillaume Kayacan. There are definitely some cool and interesting photos in this playful series. You can check out the full series on Behance.

Average: 3.3 (3 votes)

Scintillation by Xavier Chassaing

Scintillation by Xavier Chassaing

Scintillation by Xavier Chassaing


Scintillation is a very impressive short film from Xavier Chassaing, especially considering it was made about two years ago. The experimental film is made up of over 35,000 photographs and combines an innovative mix of stop motion and live projection mapping techniques.

Average: 4.7 (3 votes)

Crinoline Flower by Daryl Banks

This series by Daryl Banks is beautiful in both its style and simplicity. Each photo is simply a shot of a woman wearing a crinoline dress made to look like a flower in bloom. The photos are both sharp in contrast and detail and have great lighting. The black background helps to keep your focus on the subject. Each shot a truly a thing of beauty.

Crinoline Flower by Daryl Banks

Crinoline Flower by Daryl Banks

Crinoline Flower by Daryl Banks

Average: 1.2 (28 votes)

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