
Crinoline Flower by Daryl Banks

This series by Daryl Banks is beautiful in both its style and simplicity. Each photo is simply a shot of a woman wearing a crinoline dress made to look like a flower in bloom. The photos are both sharp in contrast and detail and have great lighting. The black background helps to keep your focus on the subject. Each shot a truly a thing of beauty.

Crinoline Flower by Daryl Banks

Crinoline Flower by Daryl Banks

Crinoline Flower by Daryl Banks

Average: 1.2 (28 votes)

Water Flower by Alexandra Zaharova and Ilya Plotnikov

This is just one of the amazing shots in the Splashes series by Alexandra Zaharova and Ilya Plotnikov. How you can create a shot like this is beyond me.

Average: 3 (1 vote)

Beaded Flora

Great macro shot of a flower with beads of water on the petals.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

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