
Macro Snowflakes by Andrew Osokin

Photographer Andrew Osokin is a specialist at capturing life's smallest treasures. Using a Nikon D80/D90 and a 60mm/90mm macro lens, he captures everything from insects to flowers and notably here, snowflakes. These photos beautifully capture the amazing shapes and formations of melting snow.

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Black and White Ocean Photography by Hengki Koentjoro

These are some breathtaking black and white underwater photos by Hengki Koentjoro. These photos give you just a small but incredibly interesting look at what life is like in the deep blue. It just goes to show what a large, interesting and amazing place the Earth can be.

Black and White Ocean Photography by Hengki Koentjoro

Black and White Ocean Photography by Hengki Koentjoro

Black and White Ocean Photography by Hengki Koentjoro

Black and White Ocean Photography by Hengki Koentjoro

Black and White Ocean Photography by Hengki Koentjoro

Black and White Ocean Photography by Hengki Koentjoro

You can also check out more photos on Flickr.

Average: 5 (1 vote)

Canon Pixma: Bringing colour to life by Dentsu London

This is a very cool video by Dentsu London on how the Canon Pixma: Bringing colour to life commercial was made, Video is at the bottom of the post. Thanks to bil2k on for the link.


Canon Pixma: Bringing colour to life from Dentsu London on Vimeo.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

Beaded Flora

Great macro shot of a flower with beads of water on the petals.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

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