Nick Frank is a master at capturing beautiful shapes and geometry within architectural structures.
Photographer Andrew Osokin is a specialist at capturing life's smallest treasures. Using a Nikon D80/D90 and a 60mm/90mm macro lens, he captures everything from insects to flowers and notably here, snowflakes. These photos beautifully capture the amazing shapes and formations of melting snow.
The world looks incredibly different, and beautiful, under the lense of a miscroscope. You just need to take a look at these images from the Olympus BioScapes Digital Imaging Competition for proof. This international competition, in its ninth year, honors the world's most extraordinary microscope images. Check out more at the Olympus BioScapes website!
Philipp Klinger has an eye for beautiful lines, shapes and patterns. In this series, he captures one of the most iconic cities in the world: Paris, France, and does it great justice. Instead of taking conventional shots of the city, Philipp goes out and captures the things you might never notice.
Wes Whaley's light art is truly mesmerizing. His photos are filled with different shapes, patterns and colors that draw you in. The best part, his shots are all created in camera without the use of Photoshop. Check out his Flickr to see a ton more images.