
Geometry is Awesome. Photos by Nick Frank

Nick Frank is a master at capturing beautiful shapes and geometry within architectural structures.

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Extraordinary Photos of Ordinary Things by Murat Germen

Murat Germen is a professor of art, photography, and new media at Sabanci University in Instanbul, Turkey. His work focuses on finding things people ignore and presenting them in an interesting light. Germen claims "It is easy to take ordinary photos of extraordinary things but more challenging to take extraordinary photos of ordinary things." Judging by his photos, I tend to agree. He distorts ordinary shots of cities and creates images that are completely unqiue yet familiar.

Average: 3 (1 vote)

Gold Rush by GOst RiDr

Gold Rush is a wonderful set of photos of downtown Dubai by GOst RiDr. I love the the addition of the "gold" colors to the black and white photos.

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Double Vision (Double Exposure Series) by Lisa Bamford

Awesome double exposure series by Lisa Bamford. Her use of double exposure makes recognizable buildings and monuments much more interesting. The best part is, the shots are all done in camera. 

"I enjoy taking photographs because of the enormous creative scope it provides. I am generally attracted to simplicity in either subject or composition, which is down to my background and job as a graphic designer. I see the structure of photographs in the same way as I do a layout, and I like them to be easy to read. I'm also a bit of a magpie and so take inspiration from all sorts of styles of photography, and so will shoot different subjects in different ways. I'd get bored to tears if I had to design the same thing everyday and that translates to what I point my camera at.


I generally choose my travel destinations based on places I think will be photogenic as that's what I enjoy doing most while I'm away. I find making double exposures an effective way of producing interesting images of buildings or monuments that have been endlessly photographed. It also appeals to me as the images often look quite graphic and hopefully not like the usual tourist snap."

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New York City by Stefan Georgi (onesevenone)

Stefan Georgi is a German Art Director living in New York City. His Flickr stream features thousands of shots of the city that never sleeps and many of them are quite spectacular. Here is just a small sampling of his photos.

Average: 5 (3 votes)

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