
Christmas Trees and Holiday Lights from Around the World

One of the best parts about the Holidays are the amazing Christmas trees and light displays. Even if you don't celebrate Christmas, it is hard not to feel festive. Here are some examples of great tree and light decorations from around the world.

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Winter Illuminations (Light Festival) at Nabano No Sato Park in Japan

These spectacular shots are from Winter Illuminations, a gorgeous display of lights at the Nabano No Sato botanical garden in Kuwana, Japan. Millions of LED lights spread across the garden grounds creating inspiring scenes such as a sunrise at Mt Fuji, a rainbow across the sky, and the aurora borealis, not to mention the spectacular light tunnels. You can catch this spectacular sight up until March 31, 2013.

Average: 2 (2 votes)

Gold Rush by GOst RiDr

Gold Rush is a wonderful set of photos of downtown Dubai by GOst RiDr. I love the the addition of the "gold" colors to the black and white photos.

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San Francisco by Terence Chang

Terence Chang has captured San Francisco like I've never seen before. He stays clear of the cliché shots of the city, and shows us some great new sights and perspectives of the city. Terence makes great use of fog and lights to create some interesting photos. Check out more of his photos on Flickr.

Average: 4.7 (3 votes)

Incredible Urban Photography by Thomas Birke

Thomas Birke's urban photography really makes cities come to life. His photos give a preview of what life might be like in the future. To portray this, he takes photos of densly populated areas and tries to show at least 1,000 people and their traces in each picture. By capturing illuminated windows and light streaks of vehicles, you can see the footprint of urban environments. I highly recommend viewing his photos in full resolution to truly get a sense of what he is capturing.

Urban Photography by Thomas Birke

Urban Photography by Thomas Birke

Urban Photography by Thomas Birke

Urban Photography by Thomas Birke

Urban Photography by Thomas Birke

Urban Photography by Thomas Birke

Urban Photography by Thomas Birke

Urban Photography by Thomas Birke

Urban Photography by Thomas Birke

Average: 4.7 (6 votes)

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