
Christmas Trees and Holiday Lights from Around the World

One of the best parts about the Holidays are the amazing Christmas trees and light displays. Even if you don't celebrate Christmas, it is hard not to feel festive. Here are some examples of great tree and light decorations from around the world.

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Thanksgiving Day Parade Photos Through the Years


Thanksgiving Day Parade Photos Through the YearsDragon balloon in 1931
Thanksgiving Day Parade Photos Through the Years
This dachshund in 1950.
Thanksgiving Day Parade Photos Through the Years
Bullwinkle in 1963.
Thanksgiving Day Parade Photos Through the Years
Popeye in 1968
Thanksgiving Day Parade Photos Through the Years
Snoopy in 1969
Thanksgiving Day Parade Photos Through the Years
Mickey Mouse in 1973
Thanksgiving Day Parade Photos Through the Years
Woody Woodpecker in 1995
Thanksgiving Day Parade Photos Through the Years
Blue in 1999
Thanksgiving Day Parade Photos Through the Years
Charlie Brown in 2002
Thanksgiving Day Parade Photos Through the Years
Ronald McDonald in 2002
Thanksgiving Day Parade Photos Through the Years
Mr. Monopoly in 2003
Thanksgiving Day Parade Photos Through the Years
SpongeBob SquarePants in 2004
Thanksgiving Day Parade Photos Through the Years
Mr. Potato Head in 2007


Average: 3 (2 votes)

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