
Skylights by Knate Myers

If you live anywhere near a city, you'll be lucky to see a single star in the night sky. Luckily for us, there are people like Knate Myers to capture the beauty of the night sky. Knate is a self-taught photographer living in Albuquerque,NM who only recently discovered timelapse and astro photography. It's a good thing he lives in the southwest. It allows him to capture the stars and sky away from the city lights, resulting in some beautiful shots.

If you like his photos, you can buy a calendar of them on Zazzle.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

Colorful Night Photography by Nykoh

Nykoh is a photographer from Brussels, Belgium. His photographs capture the wonder and beauty of colors at night. Light bounces off building walls and wet city streets, creating wonderful silhouettes and shadows. If you like these photos you can go to his Facebook page for new photo updates.

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Day to Night Continued by Stephen Wilkes

You might recognize Stephen Wilkes' work from our previous post. Here are some more awesome pieces from his Day to Night series.

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Supermoon 2012 on The Big Picture

If you looked up into the night sky on Sat. May 5th, you may have noticed the perigee moon aka "Supermoon". The once a year event occurs when the moon is closest to Earth, and is magnified when there is a full moon. If you didn't catch it, The Big Picture has you covered with this awesome set. Visit the article for more details on each photo.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

Day to Night by Stephen Wilkes

I absolutely love these collages by Stephen Wilkes. Wilkes masterfully blends thirty to fifty photos of each location, going from day to night, into one fluid image. You can check them out in person at the Clamp Art Gallery in New York City from September 8th to October 29th.

Average: 4.7 (3 votes)

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