
Landscape Photography by Anuparb Papapan

Anuparb Papapan has a knack for capturing beautiful landscapes. I especially love the shots with the stars in the background.

Average: 4 (2 votes)

Skylights by Knate Myers

If you live anywhere near a city, you'll be lucky to see a single star in the night sky. Luckily for us, there are people like Knate Myers to capture the beauty of the night sky. Knate is a self-taught photographer living in Albuquerque,NM who only recently discovered timelapse and astro photography. It's a good thing he lives in the southwest. It allows him to capture the stars and sky away from the city lights, resulting in some beautiful shots.

If you like his photos, you can buy a calendar of them on Zazzle.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

The Milky Road by Larry Landolfi

This is an absolutely amazing composite shot of a road leading into the Milky Way sky by Larry Landolfi. I love the contrast between dark the hilltops and the starry sky.

Here's his description:Taken in Ft. Davis, Texas ("the darkest spot in North America"). A composite of the summer Milky Way and a dirt road at the place I was staying. This photo is either #1 or #2 when you Google - Images- "Milky Way" or "The Milky Way"

Average: 5 (1 vote)

Starry Night Near the Water

This photo wonderfully captures a girl sitting near the water under a starry knight sky. The photographer and title are unknown.
Average: 3.3 (3 votes)

Night Photography II by Justin Carrasquillo

These night photography shots by Justin Carrasquillo are absolutely amazing. Each one captures the  wonder and beauty of nature. I especially love the colors in the sky and the abundance of stars illuminating the night.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

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